
we will ensure that your training is customized on your body and schedule. we look in to the different variables and make sure these are fully optimized for the best progression. with video analysis we are going to work on your technique to prevent injuries. This will make sure you will be able to keep progressing over time.


We are going to help you to built sustainable habits when it comes to nutrition. By making right choices you will consume the nutrients you need. This will help you in the gym as well as outside of the gym. You will not only built more strength but also, feel better, sustain a healthy bodyweight, improve your sleep and have more energy during the day! During the coaching calls we will give you all the tools you need to improve you nutritional habits. 


Together we are going to look into your thinking- and behavioral pattern around training and nutrition. It is not about doing everything perfect, If your nutrition and training were always perfect life would be pretty boring! That one missed workout or that one ‘’bad’’ meal are not going to make you fat or lose muscle. I don’t expect you to hit your protein goal every day or having the most perfect training every day but, try on as many days as possible 

Online Coaching

p. month


What Do You Get?

  • Personal contact through whatsapp
  • Customized training program
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Online Intake Call
  • Every 2 weeks a check-in to keep you on track
  • A video call once a month
  • Periodical adjustments to your schedules based on your progress
  • You can ask me questions 24/7
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For Whom Is Apex Coaching Suitable?

Guidance from MyApexPhysique is for everyone who is willing to change and willing to be challenged. 

I Don't Like Every Food, Is This Taken Into Account?

Yes, we understand that not every food is equally enjoyable. We are not working with a set nutrtion plan. You can choose yourself what you would like to eat, most importantly we are giving you the tools to learn how to make the right nutrional choices, without having a strict feeding schedule! 

How Frequently Are The Coaching Calls Occurring?

The coaching calls are taking place once a month. You will plan the calls together with your coach at a time that is suitable for you. Next to this you can always drop me a message on whatsapp

How Long Do The Coaching Calls Take?

The coaching calls are taking about 30 minutes.

Can Coaching Be Combined With A Irregular Job Or Busy Lifestyle?

Yes, I will make a personal schedule based on your lifestyle. If you give me a indication of what your work/life is looking like, the schedule will be adjusted accordingly

Is Coaching Possible If The Gyms Are Closed

Yes, it is! If your gym is closed, you can indicate this in the intake call. We can immediatly see wat resources you have available, this way you can achieve great results doing home workouts or outdoor training.